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Guest Ron Stone, Feb. 10, 2025 (#179)


"For about 10 years, I have been growing, and giving away about 4,000 pumpkins," notes Iowa land steward and horticulturist, Ron Stone, Ankeny.

Perhaps, dear viewer, your children's pumpkin-drawing and carving skills have been honed on the line of dark orange, smooth-ribbed, squattier pumpkins Ron has developed especially with you in mind?

Ron's love for growing crops began as a 4-H club member in the mid 20th century. You'll appreciate his childhood story of devotion to crops versus livestock. Might you agree with him?

Ron's personality and interests flare way beyond the soil! Tune in to learn all about this kind and gentle man whose virtue of hard work began at the end of a scoop shovel in the 1950s.

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