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Guest Rhea Leete, Nov. 25, 2024 (#168)


Lucille, Jenny, Loretta, Alice, and other church ladies had special talents in their small community church. But, above all, they loved each and every child in that church.

Rhea Leete, Walford, IA, chats with the Pfeiffer Sisters about those dear women of the church in the 1950s and 60s.

Can you recall those days of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School when you learned to "march in the infantry of the Lord's Army" and memorized Bible verses? Perhaps you played Ring Around the Rosie during recess or took your meager Sunday School coin offering knotted inside a beautiful floral handkerchief belonging to your mother.

Rhea affectionately chats about her memories of small-church togetherness. Were they similar to yours?

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