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Guest Jim Tyler, May 23, 2022 (#37)


Updated: Aug 2, 2022

"ICE COLD COCA COLA--5 CENTS" echoed throughout the streets of Villisca, IA, as teenager, Jim Tyler, and his cousins grew their soft-drink business in the mid-20th century.

Join Jackie and Janine as Jim shares about the founding and growth of the highly acclaimed Atlantic Bottling Company, Atlantic, IA. Our 98-year-old guest grants high esteem to his employees who he refers to as associates, his town of Atlantic, and Coca Cola for the abundant life he has enjoyed!

(August 2022 update: Below the visit you'll find photos of The Sisters on a late July visit to the Atlantic Bottling Company plant.)

©2022. Janine Knop. All Rights Reserved. No Unauthorized Duplication Permitted.

The Pfeiffer Sisters visited the Atlantic Bottling Company plant in Atlantic, Iowa, on July 28, 2022. Below left, they were welcomed by Fun Chat guest Jim Tyler (center), Jim's daughter Jayne (owner), and plant manager Bill Garrett.

Janine shares, "So much was learned on that tour, but to me the most memorable fact was that depending on what plant (anywhere in North America) the Coca-Cola is bottled and/or canned, it will not have the same taste from one plant to the next. It's all about the water! Jim had said in his FUN CHAT dialogue that Atlantic has great water and great people and makes great Coke! That's why the plant has never moved away from Atlantic. A family member who moved to California had requested, in desperation, that the Tylers send Coke to her as the Coke in CA was 'awful'! Atlantic Bottling Company is highly recognized in the world of Coca-Cola!"



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